Bike Swap

April 25-27, 2025
@ Chapman Hill, Durango CO
Gear Drop Off: Friday, April 25th, 9am-7pm
In Person Check In: Friday, April 25th 9am-7pm
Swap Sale: Saturday, April 26th, 9am-7pm
Unsold Gear Pickup: Sunday, April 27th, 9am-1pm
Volunteer at this year's bike swap!

2025 Bike Swap

April 25-27, 2025 @ Chapman Hill, Durango CO

Schedule for the Weekend

Gear Drop Off (if you checked in online): Friday, April 25th, 9am-7pm

In Person Check-In: Friday, April 25th 9am-7pm (Note: A $5 flat check-in fee will be charged at check-in on Friday)

Swap Sale: Saturday, April 26th, 9am-7pm

Unsold Gear Pickup: Sunday, April 29th, 9am-1pm

Key Information

Register your gear online today!

Online check-in for the 2025 Bike Swap is Open Now! Save time and money, and register your gear online today.

Bike Donations Are Encouraged!

Are you looking to make a difference for Devo, and support the next generation of Durango riders? Please consider donating your gear for us to sell! Donations will be accepted during Bike Swap Check-In on Friday! All donations directly support our youth programs. Thank you!

Please Consider A Cash Donation!

If you thought that Devo helped you buy/sell your bikes and gear this year, please consider making a small donation to Durango Devo. Devo is a 501[c][3] non-profit, and donations are tax-deductible. 100% of your donations will go towards helping us get more kids on bikes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do 22% of the sales go to Durango Devo?

Durango Devo is a 501(c)3 non-for-profit whose mission is to create life-long cyclists through an inclusive, team cycling model. We have over 600 athletes ages 2-19 and 90 coaches, all of whom rely on fundraisers like the Bike Swap to keep Devo alive! The Devo Bike Swap is Devo’s largest fundraiser. We know this 22% can feel like a large cut, but we hope you can rest easy knowing that 100% of every dollar raised at the Bike Swap will help us get more kids on bikes!

How can I volunteer to help at the Swap?

All volunteers are invited to shop the Swap during our Early-Bird hours before the Swap opens to the public! This is an awesome opportunity to get the best deals at the swap. Volunteers are also rewarded with free food and drinks. Sign up here to volunteer!

What kind of equipment can I bring?

If it is bike-related, you can try to sell it! Commonly sold items are road bikes, mountain bikes, kids bikes, cruisers, shocks, wheels, components, bike shoes, pedals, helmets, pumps, bike packs, jerseys, wrenching materials, bike racks, and anything that gets pulled behind a bike.

How do I get my gear that does not sell?

All unsold gear can easily be picked up with your check-in receipt from Chapman Hill on Sunday.

How much does it cost to get into the swap on the day of the sale?

$1 per person (12 years or older) to get into the Swap Sale.

Who prices the gear?

You are free to choose your own price, but we have expert staff on hand to help you put a competitive price on your bikes and equipment.

Can I bring gear any other time besides Friday from 9am-7pm?

Nope, we can only accept gear during these times! But, you can check in your items online, from home, anytime leading up to the swap.

Does it cost me anything to put my gear in the swap?

Devo Swap Sellers are charged a $5 flat fee to check items into the Swap. This helps us cover the expenses of running the Bike Swap, even if you don’t sell anything. You will pay this $5 sellers fee when you drop off your gear on Friday.

How long does it take to check in gear?

If you are selling less than 10 items, most people spend less than 30 minutes checking in gear.

Do I have to pick up my unsold gear on Sunday?

Yes! Sunday is the ONLY time available to pick up unsold items. All items not picked up by Sunday are considered permanent donations to Durango Devo.

Do you accept donated items?

Of course! In fact, this is the easiest way to drop off gear. Bring all donated gear to the ‘Donated Gear’ table and we will take it from there!  Please work out beforehand if you would like to receive a receipt for tax purposes. Please donate items that work and are gently used.

When can I expect to receive my check?

Checks for your sold equipment will be mailed within two weeks of the Swap.

If you still have questions, or give us a call, 970-799-0609, Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.