Powerhouse Science Summer Camps

Powerhouse Science Summer Camps

These camps combine programs by Devo and the Durango Powerhouse Science Center. Various camps are offered for rising 1st – 4th graders (those going into 1st – 4th grade in the Fall). Explore local single track with Devo for half the day, then join the Powerhouse for educational science activities!

More information and REGISTRATION can be found at: https://powsci.org/camps


Kids must ride a pedal bike independently (no training wheels) and must be confident riding on single-track dirt trails. Bikes with hand brakes and gears are highly encouraged (no coaster brakes, please). Wheel size is not a factor at this age as long as the bike fits the rider.


The main goals of our Powerhouse Science Summer Camps are to build team camaraderie and expand a rider’s curiosity and excitement for the world, both on and off the bike! Devo Coaches will teach basic skills of shifting, braking, climbing, and descending, reinforce trail etiquette, and encourage proper balance on two wheels standing out of the saddle with level pedals. Meanwhile, Powerhouse Educators will teach innovative and hands-on science-based activities.

Parent Participation

Parents should not attend practices. At this age, we believe riders learn and grow most when they can attend practice without their parents!

Team Format

Each summer camp runs for 5 consecutive days (Monday – Friday). Camps are full day, from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Practices will meet at the Durango Powerhouse Science Center. We allow up to 20 riders per camp. Campers will be broken into groups of 10, with 10 riders joining Devo in the morning, and the other 10 participating in Powerhouse activities. After a lunch break, campers will trade places A team must have at least 10 registrants in order to run. View our course catalogs for scheduling details.

What to Bring
  • Pedal bike with no training wheels and hand brakes (no coaster brakes, please). Hand brakes are highly recommended.
  • Helmet
  • Close-toed shoes
  • A backpack that your rider can easily carry with water and a healthy snack.
  • A pack lunch
  • Clothing appropriate for the weather
  • Riding gloves are encouraged but optional

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