

Your donations, no matter how big or small, mean the world to us! We rely on donations to fund everything from coaches payroll, to the Devo Scholarship Fund. Nearly 45% of of Devo’s annual budget comes from donations and sponsorships, so Devo’s riders rely heavily on donations from generous supporters like you every single day.

Make checks payable to:

Durango Devo

Mail to:

Attn: Donations
10 Town Plaza #110
Durango, CO 81301

As a registered 501[c][3] Non-Profit, donations to Devo qualify for tax write-offs. Talk with a tax expert to see how a donation to Devo could factor in to your yearly tax returns.

Thank you in advance for your support of Devo’s programs! As you make your donation, know that we understand and appreciate the value of your hard-earned dollars. We pledge that every cent will go towards our mission of developing life-long cyclists, one ride at a time!

Devo now accepts donations of stocks and other securities! Contact us to ask about donating stocks.

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